Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Le sigh...

I got a rejection email today - from a job that I really, really wanted. And while I know that there are millions of unlucky souls in this country who get them regularly and who are struggling day after day to find employment, I'm still devastated. The idea of having this job made me hopeful and excited. I pictured myself hopping out of bed every morning, birds singing at my window, sunbeams gleaming off my teeth, eager to go to this corporate utopia where I would have been creative and impassioned and happy and, well, employed.

So, I did the lamest, girliest thing I could do once I read the rejection: I cried like a little bitch.

Through my tears, whilst swigging Pellegrino out of the bottle and eating chicken wings, I decided to create a blog. I made this decision with great zeal, as though writing a blog was a giant "fuck you" to those who snubbed me (you know...the anonymous hiring manager who doesn't know me from Adam and could care less whether I have an outlet for my dejection...yeah her...or him)!
Anyway, here I am, with limitless (cyber)space to talk about stuff. What stuff? I'm not sure, yet. But with the way the world is going right now, I'm sure I'll think of something.

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